Board of Directors

Sara Fingeret West, Esq. President & Treasurer

Sara currently practices tax law and is the founder and CEO of a tax consulting firm in Minnesota. Sara obtained her Psychology degree from Penn State University and her Juris Doctor from the University of New Hampshire School of Law. Prior to practicing law, Sara was a prosecutor for the Derry New Hampshire Police Department. Sara now resides in Minnesota with her wonderful husband, amazing son, incredible daughter, and adorable beagle. She first attended Pony Farm as a camper over twenty-five years ago and later became a Counselor in Training, Senior Staff member, Intern in the Therapeutic Riding Program, and Pony Farm Lesson Director. Touchstone Farm has a special place in Sara’s heart, and she is thrilled to continue to serve the organization in whatever ways she can.

Caitlin (Twomey) Shultz, Vice President

Caitlin has worked for the State of NH Judicial Branch for the last 7 years as an Accounting Analyst. She graduated from Southern NH University in 2007 with a Bachelor’s in Business Studies with a concentration in Organizational Leadership, and again in 2009 with a Bachelor’s in Accounting. She has two girls ages 12 and 2. Hayden, her younger daughter, has Down Syndrome and will soon participate in Horsepower at Touchstone Farm. Ayslin, her oldest daughter is very active in sports in their hometown of Chichester, NH. Caitlin began coming to Touchstone Farm at a very young age. She has done everything from being a camper, becoming a part of the camp staff and attending various farm and fundraising events. Her hope is to help Touchstone Farm grow even more than it has while maintaining the original spirit.

Meaghan (Blaikie) Root, BS, MBA, Secretary

Meaghan has grown up riding hunters/jumpers and started her relationship with Touchstone Farm as a camper at Pony Farm 30 years ago. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Equine Science  from the University of Vermont. She also holds a Master of Business Administration from Southern New Hampshire University. Meaghan is currently Digital Exerpeince Manager for the Global Marketing team at Charles River Laboratories in Wilmington, MA. During her 16 year career at Charles River she also held positions in Product Management and Sales. She lives on her own private horse farm in Townsend, MA with her husband, Jon and their spoiled, adopted animals –  mixed breed dogs, welsh mountain ponies, barn cats, chickens, and a rooster.

Christy Greene

Christy is Clinical Director of Antrim Girls’ Shelter, a state-run facility for troubled adolescent girls, and has worked in child and family services for the last 30 years. She co-wrote and published an article in Journal of School Social Work on “Grief and Therapeutic Horseback Riding” and was a presenter in the Horse Power Instructor Training School. She is a member of Mariposa Museum, a past member (8 years) of the Conval School Board, Peterborough Youth Soccer League, Living Network, Inc., Youth Services of the Monadnock Region for 10 plus years, and the Dublin Board of Adjustment. Christy has a BA in Sociology and Psychology from Drew University and her Master of Social Work degree from the University of Pennsylvania.

Phyllis Strickholm

Phyllis lives down the road from Touchstone Farm and has had a keen interest in the farm’s programs and prosperity for many years. She is a member of the Touchstone Farm Driving Club and participated in many of the driving clinics at the farm. Last fall, she tested for, and passed her Level I Carriage Driving Proficiency certification and now supports the farm by teaching driving on weekends. Phyllis has spent over ten years as a Technical Writer in the Medical Device R&D industry, with a focus on advanced mobility devises for the disabled. For the past ten years, she has contracted as a Business Systems Analyst in the Healthcare industry. Phyllis has four Morgan horses and has spent a lifetime around horses, having raised and trained 28 horses and taught centered riding as a sideline to her profession as a Business System Analyst.